Pre Primary

We at DPS Howrah strive to provide the students a synchronous learning experience by planning activities as a whole and in meaningful contexts for the students that help them bring together their prior knowledge and experiences to support new knowledge and learning experiences. Scholastic and Co-scholastic activities are integrated together to ensure the Fivefold Development of the students – Physical Development, Social Development, Emotional Development, Mental Development and Spiritual Development, in an environment stimulated for learning. Teaching approaches include application of modern technological aids as well as interactive games / exercises that make learning fun filled and experiential for the students.
A lot of stress is given on the enhancement of the Language Skills – Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (LSRW) Skills of the students as part of our English Programme based on the Montessori approach. Phonic sounds are taught from an early age so that students possess a strong foundation for the Language Skills and become avid readers, speakers and writers in the future. Storytelling sessions, Puppet Shows, Show & Tell Sessions, Rhymes & Recitation, etc., form an integral part of the teaching pedagogy.
The CPA (Concrete – Pictorial – Abstract) method is followed to build the Numerical Concepts of the students. They are encouraged to understand, plan, answer and check their work while solving numerical sums as per the UPAC (Understand, Plan, Answer and Check) process that helps to build good habits for approaching mathematical problems of any difficulty. It helps them to develop their problem solving skills, logical reasoning and deducting skills.
Hands on activities and projects that promote investigation, exploration and discovery are incorporated into teaching the themes in EVS that not only build on children’s interests but also their level of understanding. Art, music, drama, etc., are integrated with the routine concepts/topics to make learning meaningful and attend to the individual needs of the children displaying different kinds of intelligence and learning styles.
Besides building a strong foundation in academics and extracurricular skills, due importance is given on developing moral as well as environmental values in the students from the Nursery level so that they grow up as responsible citizens who not only respect our national heritage and culture but also nurture and preserve nature.